Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I have a loss?
Call us Immediately.
Wait for authorization before putting land to another use.
IMPORTANT: Failure to notify us of a loss may result in your claim being denied!
Do I really need crop insurance?
Buying a crop insurance policy is one risk management option. Producers should always carefully consider how a policy will work in conjunction with their other strategies to insure the best possible outcome each crop year. Ask us how we can assist you in developing a good management plan
Does crop insurance cover crops in the evenr of natural disasters?
Producers who purchased crop insurance are covered for all natural causes of loss listed in their policies. For those without insurance, the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP), managed by USDA's Farm Service Agency, provides financial assistance to producers of non-insurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory, or prevented planting occurs due to natural disasters.
Crop insurance seems complicated. What are some of the common mistakes that producers make that can cost them money?
Crop insurance is in fact fairly straightforward; however, there are numerous mistakes/misconceptions that could lead to a producer losing money. For a full detail of these please click here.
Federal crop insurance isn't available for my crop in my county, but it is available in other nearby counties. Why am I unable to get Federal crop insurance for my crop?
Congress requires that the Risk Management Agency (RMA) strive for actuarial soundness in all Federal crop insurance programs that it administers. In support of this goal, RMA has a very deliberate process for new program development. New pilot programs must be approved by the FCIC Board of Directors before they are made available to producers. Under certain circumstances, new pilot programs must be authorized by Congress before RMA can begin program development.
Most pilot programs are expected to operate for about 3 years so that RMA may gain insurance experience and test the program components before the pilot programs are made more broadly available or are converted to permanent programs.
However, RMA is authorized, under certain circumstances on a case-by-case basis, to underwrite Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) insurance offers when standard rates or coverage is not available. RMA can enter into a Written Agreement with the insurance provider and can underwrite an individual policy if the grower's particular crop production plan will be actuarially sound under modified rates and terms.
If you are interested in expansion of the Federal crop insurance program to your area and your crop, you should contact the Regional Office that serves your area. RMA staff will ensure that your request is given full consideration.
If the Federal crop insurance program cannot be made available in your county for your crop, RMA will advise you if an individual Written Agreement is possible or if coverage is available through the private sector.
Why isn't insurance available for the same crop in every county and state?
Since the development of crop insurance policies depends first of all upon the demand for them, RMA does not initiate policies or expand existing programs where there are no requests. In some cases, a crop may not be grown by many, if any, farmers in a county.
In areas where an established crop policy is not available, farmers may request that their RMA Regional Office expand the program to their county the next crop year. They may also contact their local crop insurance agent to see if a written agreement is available for the current crop year.
What is a crop year?
The crop year is designated by the year in which the planted crop is normally grown and harvested. For example, crops planted in the fall of 2004 are considered to be grown in the 2005 crop year because they are harvested in the spring or early fall of 2005. Crops planted in the spring of 2005 are also considered to be grown in the 2005 crop year because they are harvested in the fall of 2005.