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Multi-Peril Insurance Products

Here you will find a more detailed description of our most popular insurance products.  If you find that you have additional questions please feel free to contact us by clicking here.  

Revenue Protection (RP)


This policy provides coverage to protect against loss of revenue caused by low prices or low yields or a combination of both. Coverage levels from 50-85 percent are available. 


What are the benefits of RP?

  • Increases confidence to forward market crop sales to improve profits.

  • Provides more favorable collateral for loans.

  • Protects growers who need a specific amount of production to feed livestock.

  • Protects against loss of revenue resulting from low futures prices, low yields, or a combination of the two.

  • Protects through a dollar guarantee based on the Chicago Board of Trade base futures price.

  • Subsidized by government

Yield Protection (YP) /
Actual Production History (APH)


This  policy insures producers against yield losses due to natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, wind, frost, insects, and disease. The farmer selects the amount of average yield he or she wishes to insure; from 50-85 percent. This product guarantees a yield based on an individual producer’s actual production history (APH).  If the harvest is less than the yield insured, the farmer is paid an indemnity based on the difference.


What are the benefits of YP?

  • Protection against production loss.

  • Based on a producer’s own production history.

  • Provides coverage levels of 50% to 85% of the APH in increments of five.

  • Cash-flow protection

  • Good loan collateral

  • Added confidence when developing crop marketing plans

  • Stability for long-term business plans and family security

  • Subsidized by government.

Catastrophic Coverage (CAT)


This policy insure producers against yield losses due to natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, wind, frost, insects, and disease. CAT pays 55 percent of the established price of the commodity on crop losses in excess of 50 percent. The premium onCAT coverage is paid by the Federal Government; however, producers must pay a $300 administrative fee for each crop insured in each county. Limited-resource farmers may have this fee waived. 


What are the benefits of CAT?

  • Protection against production loss.

  • Based on a producer’s own production history.

  • Subsidized by government

Area Yield Protection (AYP)


A county-based insurance product that pays the producer in the event the county yield falls below the trigger yield selected by the producer. The GRP program is intended for those growers who have a yield that corresponds with the county yield. Coverage levels from 70-90 percent are available. When the county yield falls below the selected coverage level percentage, the grower is indemnified accordingly, regardless of the individual yield of the grower.  


What are the benefits of AYP?

  • Maximum policy protection is 150% of the established price (x) the expected county yield.

  • Offers a competitive premium, requires no records and less paperwork than other plans to participate.

  • Protects against widespread loss of yield in a county.

  • Subsidized by government.

Area Revenue Protection (ARP)


A county-based revenue insurance product that pays the producer in the event the county average per-acre revenue falls below the trigger revenue level selected by the producer. GRIP combines the yield coverage of the Group Risk Plan ( GRP ) with price protection similar to the Revenue Assurance ( RA ) and Crop Revenue Coverage ( CRC ) policies. GRIP offers the producer a guarantee against declines in revenue by county. Coverage levels from 70-90 percent are available. Those considering GRIP should also consider a crop hail policy, which helps reduce producer specific risk.  


What are the benefits of ARP?

  • Maximum policy protection is 150% of the expected county revenue, more than any other multi-peril program.

  • Requires no records and less paperwork to participate.

  • Protects against widespread loss of revenue in a county.

  • Subsidized by government.

Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP)


Whole Farm Revenue Protection is a revenue based product which replaces the AGR and AGR-Lite forms of insurance.  WFRP is a product which includes every farm commodity raised from corn to bee's honey.  The only exceptions in the policy are timber, timber products, and animals for show and pets.  Do you grow Christmas trees, pumpkins, tomatoes, squash, hops, etc., then this policy may be best for you.  The WFRP policy looks at Schedule F (1040) tax returns to determine a farmers revenue gaurantee.  


What are the benefits of WFRP?

  • WFRP is based on an individuals farming history, which means you don't have to rely on county wide losses to determine claims.

  • Possibly the best benefit of WFRP is that typically uninsurable crops are able to be insured, and will recieve larger subsidies based on the farms diversity.

  • Only one commodity is required to qualify, essentially allowing any farmer to manage their risk without needing to raise a cash crop.

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